Live Writer Source Code Format Plugin

I've just installed the plugin blogged about by Mike Ormond and here's an example of it's output taken from code in the Atrax project I've just published to Codeplex.

namespace Atrax.Library
   [DataContract, Serializable]
   public class QueryResult
      /// <summary>
      /// The original query sent by the client.
      /// </summary>
      public Query Query { get; set; }

      /// <summary>
      /// Status code sent back to query client's callback url.
      /// </summary>
      public string StatusCode { get; set; }
      /// <summary>
      /// Status description sent back to query client's callback url.
      /// </summary>
      public string StatusDescription { get; set; }
      /// <summary>
      /// The XML schema for the result XML.
      /// </summary>
      public string ResultSchema { get; set; }

      /// <summary>
      /// The result produced by the query processor, usually XML.
      /// </summary>
      public string Result { get; set; }

Atrax Keyword Extraction Algorithm

Two and a half years ago I wrote an implementation in C# of an algorithm published in 2003 in a short academic paper by Yutaka Matsuo and Mitsuru Ishizuka in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools. Of course, the algorithm is not a perfect implementation of the algorithm published in the "Keyword Extraction from a Single Document using Word Co-occurrence Statistical Information" paper. I made a number of decisions to make the algorithm as effective as possible while keeping it as fast as I could.

The code was written for Provo Labs, my employer at the time. I've recently obtained written permission from Provo Labs to release this code as open source under the Apache 2.0 license. You can get the code in the Atrax.Html project, a part of the entire Atrax project which I've just released, at Here's the core of the code.

string[] terms = new string[termsG.Count];
termsG.Values.CopyTo(terms, 0); //gives terms array where last term is the MAX g in G
foreach (string w in terms)
    decimal sumZ = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < terms.Length - 1; i++) //do calcs for all but MAX
        string g = terms[i];
        if (w != g) //skip where on the diagonal
            int nw = termNw[w];
            decimal Pg = termPg[g];
            decimal D = nw * Pg;
            if (D != 0.0m)
                decimal Fwg = termFwg[w][terms[i]];
                decimal T = Fwg - D;
                decimal Z = (T * T) / D;
                sumZ += Z;
    termsX2[w] = sumZ;

SortedDictionary<decimal, string> sortedX2 = new SortedDictionary<decimal, string>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, decimal> pair in termsX2)
    decimal x2 = pair.Value;
    while (sortedX2.ContainsKey(x2))
        x2 = x2 - 0.00001m;
    sortedX2.Add(x2, pair.Key);

//now get simple array of values as lowest to highest X2 terms
string[] x2Terms = new string[sortedX2.Count];
sortedX2.Values.CopyTo(x2Terms, 0);

I have not spent much time on this algorithm in the past two years and would like to find others with similar interests to help me improve and perfect it. If you have an interest in this kind of research, please join me at the Atrax project page on Codeplex.

ASP.NET MVC Making Web Development Fun Again

I want to thank Scott Guthrie and Scott Hanselman and the whole ASP.NET MVC team for making web development fun again.

The simplicity of Rails, the power of .NET, and so much more. I've been reading the posts and watching some of the screencasts but had not yet tried it for real. That all changed over the weekend while working my latest pet project which I hope to reveal sometime soon. I decided to put MVC Preview 4 to the test. I was not disappointed.

I mean, who could not fall in love with the elegant simplicity of this view?

  <td>Current password:</td>
  <td><%= Html.Password("currentPassword") %></td>
  <td>New password:</td>
  <td><%= Html.Password("newPassword") %></td>
  <td>Confirm new password:</td>
  <td><%= Html.Password("confirmPassword") %></td>
  <td><input type="submit" value="Change Password" /></td>

Handled by this controller:

public ActionResult ChangePassword(string currentPassword, string newPassword, string confirmPassword)

    ViewData["Title"] = "Change Password";
    ViewData["PasswordLength"] = Provider.MinRequiredPasswordLength;

    // Non-POST requests should just display the ChangePassword form
    if (Request.HttpMethod != "POST")
        return View();

    // Basic parameter validation
    List<string> errors = new List<string>();

    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPassword))
        errors.Add("You must specify a current password.");
    if (newPassword == null || newPassword.Length < Provider.MinRequiredPasswordLength)
                    "You must specify a new password of {0} or more characters.",
    if (!String.Equals(newPassword, confirmPassword, StringComparison.Ordinal))
        errors.Add("The new password and confirmation password do not match.");

    if (errors.Count == 0)

        // Attempt to change password
        MembershipUser currentUser = Provider.GetUser(User.Identity.Name, true /* userIsOnline */);
        bool changeSuccessful = false;
            changeSuccessful = currentUser.ChangePassword(currentPassword, newPassword);
            // An exception is thrown if the new password does not meet the provider's requirements

        if (changeSuccessful)
            return RedirectToAction("ChangePasswordSuccess");
            errors.Add("The current password is incorrect or the new password is invalid.");

    // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
    ViewData["errors"] = errors;
    return View();

Yes, you say, but what about all my high powered controls from XYZ Controls Company? Do they really make your life that much easier? Is HTML so hard? Have you looked at your ViewState lately? Yikes! Certainly there are tradeoffs, but you can bet that controls are on their way. Where Microsoft stack developers go, the control vendors soon follow.

Give me clean HTML with CSS style and controllers that support TDD in the most straightforward manner I've ever seen, sprinkle in some convention over configuration jazz from Ruby on Rails, and I'm a happy web developer again after having spent the last four and a half years avoiding ASP.NET while writing back end data and content analysis systems.

ASP.NET never looked better!


Windows Form Talks to Windows Service via WCF without Config File

I am fascinated with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) but the configuration files can be cumbersome. Until now I haven't had the time to investigate programmatic configuration of WCF, but I may be involved in a project soon in which WCF would be useful but where configuration files would present an unnecessary complication to the end user. So I've spent some time researching and experimenting. To my happy surprise, WCF is easily configured programmatically. A little research has resulted in a simple Windows Forms application talking to a Windows Service via WCF while both client and server use a common class library that defines the service contract and data transfer objects. I'll give you a brief overview and then you can download the solution here.

First let me give credit where credit is due. I could not have figured out all of this stuff without the great help of Juval Lowy and his book Programming WCF Services. I highly recommend the book. I also took advantage of some of the samples published on his web site. If you need help with your WCF work, I urge you to contact them.

You download the entire solution at the bottom of this entry, so I'm not going to push all the code into the text here, but I'll try to cover the highlights.

The architecture of this little test application is simple.

  • MyWcfService - (server) A Windows service application
  • MyWcfMon - (client) A Windows Forms application with a simplistic test
  • MyWcfLib - A class library defining the service contract used by client and server

Since I like the "contract first" approach, let's begin with the interface and data transfer objects shared by client and server. This is a very simple piece of code but sufficient to illustrate the principles involved (see IMyWcfServiceControl.cs).

public interface IMyWcfServiceControl
    MyWcfServiceResponse ExecuteCommand(MyWcfServiceCommand command);

public class MyWcfServiceCommand
    public string Command { get; set; }

public class MyWcfServiceResponse
    public string Response { get; set; }

As you can see, we have a simple service contract with a single operation and a simple command object taken and response object returned.

You'll also notice an Extensions.cs file in the MyWcfLib project. These are a few of my favorite extensions I've written lately. I find them very useful but they are not terribly relevant to this project. You can take a look at them later in the source download.

I won't bore you with the details of the Windows service code, though I do encourage you to download the code and give it a look. I've blogged about this before but it's worth metioning, if only for the keyword exposure. The service code allows you to debug the service as a console application and then compile in "Release" and deploy/install as a real Windows service. A handy little chunk of code.

The primary area of interest in the service is the declaration of the WCF ServiceHost and how it is configured in code. In the following lines of code found in the MyWcfService.cs file in the project, we create a WCF host listening on a port configured using the m_port value, requiring Windows authentication and using encryption and message signing on the transport layer. Fast but highly secure.

Uri tcpBaseAddress = new Uri(string.Format("net.tcp://localhost:{0}/", m_port));
serviceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyWcfServer), tcpBaseAddress);

NetTcpBinding tcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport, false);
tcpBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = TcpClientCredentialType.Windows;
tcpBinding.Security.Transport.ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign;

serviceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IMyWcfServiceControl), tcpBinding,
    string.Format("net.tcp://localhost:{0}/MyWcfServiceControl", m_port));

//this is the default but good to know
serviceHost.Authorization.PrincipalPermissionMode = PrincipalPermissionMode.UseWindowsGroups;


That's it. We're now configured. Not so hard. Not really any more difficult than raw .NET remoting configuration. In fact, probably easier.

Of course, the Stop method on the ServiceRunner class executes the Close method on the service host.

Now to the implementation of the IMyWcfServiceControl interface in the MyWcfServer.cs file:

internal class MyWcfServer : IMyWcfServiceControl
    [PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role = @"nbdev2\allwcfgroup")]
    [PrincipalPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Role = @"nbdev2\mywcfgroup")]
    public MyWcfServiceResponse ExecuteCommand(MyWcfServiceCommand command)
        MyWcfServiceResponse response = null;
        if (IsAuthorized())
            response = new MyWcfServiceResponse()
                Response = command.Command + " response " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
            response = new MyWcfServiceResponse()
                Response = "Error: user not authorized"
        return response;

    bool IsAuthorized()
        //The PrincipalPermission attributes are an OR proposition.
        //The following enforces the AND requirement.
        IPrincipal p = Thread.CurrentPrincipal;
        if (p.IsInRole(@"nbdev2\allwcfgroup") && p.IsInRole(@"nbdev2\mywcfgroup"))
            return true;
            return false;

Note that we have two layers of security authorization employed here. (Authentication has already been handled automatically for us.) First we have two PrincipalPermission attributes that demand that the user be in one of two groups. But in fact, our invented requirement here is that the user belong to both groups. Don't ask me why. It's a demo.

So the IsAuthorized method is called and there we examine the Thread.CurrentPrincipal to learn if the requirement is met. This was a revelation to me. I did not know that the thread handling the single call to the WCF service would be running under the calling user context. A very good thing to know. Note to self...

Now to the client. It's simple really, and you could probably find an even more clever way to write it, but this might help you get started. You will find in the source a file called MyWcfServiceProxy.cs where the following code lives in the MyWcfServiceProxy class:

internal MyWcfServiceResponse ExecuteCommand(MyWcfServiceCommand command)
    NetTcpBinding tcpBinding = new NetTcpBinding(SecurityMode.Transport, false);
    tcpBinding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = TcpClientCredentialType.Windows;
    tcpBinding.Security.Transport.ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign;

    EndpointAddress endpointAddress =
        new EndpointAddress(string.Format("net.tcp://{0}:{1}/MyWcfServiceControl", m_server, m_port));
    MyWcfServiceControlClient proxy = new MyWcfServiceControlClient(tcpBinding, endpointAddress);

    //Note: current user credentials are used unless we use runtime provided credentials like this
    NetworkCredential credentials = new NetworkCredential(m_userName, m_password);
    if (m_domain != null) credentials = new NetworkCredential(m_userName, m_password, m_domain);
    proxy.ClientCredentials.Windows.ClientCredential = credentials;
    MyWcfServiceResponse response = proxy.ExecuteCommand(command);
    //if proxy is in Faulted state, Close throws CommunicationObjectFaultedException
    if (proxy.State != CommunicationState.Faulted) proxy.Close();

    return response;

class MyWcfServiceControlClient : ClientBase<IMyWcfServiceControl>, IMyWcfServiceControl
    public MyWcfServiceControlClient(Binding binding, EndpointAddress address) : base(binding, address) { }
    public MyWcfServiceResponse ExecuteCommand(MyWcfServiceCommand command)
        MyWcfServiceResponse response = null;
            response = Channel.ExecuteCommand(command);
        catch (SecurityNegotiationException ne)
            response = new MyWcfServiceResponse() { Response = ne.Message };
        catch (SecurityAccessDeniedException ae)
            response = new MyWcfServiceResponse() { Response = ae.Message };
        return response;

The WCF client is easily configured programmatically as you can see. Create a Binding, an EndpointAddress, a NetworkCredential if you want to, and then call the service. The private MyWcfServiceControlClient class just makes it a little easier to isolate the configuration code in the code above it.

So now, we have a simple Form that does this:

string userName = txtUserName.Text;
string password = txtPassword.Text;
MyWcfServiceProxy sp = new MyWcfServiceProxy("localhost", 8239, userName, password, null);
MyWcfServiceCommand command = new MyWcfServiceCommand()
    Command = "Hello world."
MyWcfServiceResponse response = sp.ExecuteCommand(command);
lblTest.Text = response.Response;

With this little framework, you can extend the command and response classes and build pretty much anything you want between your Windows Forms application and your Windows service with the comfort of secure, encrypted and signed communication between the two on the port of your choice.

If you find this useful, I'd love to hear about it. The code can be found here (31.6KB) under the MIT license. Enjoy! 

ConfigurationSection Lesson on ConfigurationErrorsException

I was playing around with some old code in which I had a custom ConfigurationSection (see code below). I had an attribute in the configuration section that I wanted to change from an Int32 to a Double. Seems a simple change. Just a little refactoring of the ConfigurationElement class changing the "int" declaration to "double" and it compiles. But kablam! It does not run but throws a nasty System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException with this explanation:

The default value for the property 'size' has different type than the one of the property itself.

Huh? Turns out the type inference on the DefaultValue property in the ConfigurationProperty attribute is rather picky. Here's what I had originally:

[ConfigurationProperty("size", DefaultValue = 1, IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
public int Size
    { return (int)this["size"]; }
    { this["size"] = value.ToString(); }

And here's what I changed it to thinking it would run just fine:

[ConfigurationProperty("size", DefaultValue = 1, IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
public double Size
    { return (double)this["size"]; }
    { this["size"] = value.ToString(); }

Just because the above code compiled, does not mean it will work correctly. So here's what really worked:

[ConfigurationProperty("size", DefaultValue = 1.0, IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
public double Size
    { return (double)this["size"]; }
    { this["size"] = value.ToString(); }

Small but important lesson to learn. Here's the whole code and following it the snippet from the config file in case this is the first time you've written a custom config handler.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Xml;

namespace MyConfigBox
    public class SizeLimitConfigurationSection : ConfigurationSection
        public HostSizeConfigCollection HostSize
                return ((HostSizeConfigCollection)(base["hostSize"]));

    public class HostSizeConfigCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection
        protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
            return new HostSizeConfigElement();

        protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
            return ((HostSizeConfigElement)(element)).Name;

        public void Add(HostSizeConfigElement element)

        public void Remove(string key)

        public void Clear()

        public HostSizeConfigElement this[int idx]
            get { return (HostSizeConfigElement)this[idx]; }

    public class HostSizeConfigElement : ConfigurationElement
        public HostSizeConfigElement() { }
        public HostSizeConfigElement(string name, double size)
            this.Name = name;
            this.Size = size;

        [ConfigurationProperty("name", DefaultValue = "_", IsKey=true, IsRequired = true)]
        [StringValidator(InvalidCharacters = "~!@#$%^&()[]{}/;'\"|\\", MinLength = 1, MaxLength = 260)]
        public string Name
            { return (string)this["name"]; }
            { this["name"] = value; }

        [ConfigurationProperty("size", DefaultValue = 1.0, IsKey = false, IsRequired = true)]
        public double Size
            { return (double)this["size"]; }
            { this["size"] = value.ToString(); }

And now here's the config file (some items removed to clean it up a bit and just show the relevant parts):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <section name="sizeLimits" type="MyConfigBox.SizeLimitConfigurationSection, MyConfigBox" />

            <add name="" size="17.5" />
            <add name="" size="42.4" />


And here's an example of how to use the custom config handler in code:

SizeLimitConfigurationSection config =
//now use config to get at the items in the hostSize collection of HostSizeConfigElement objects

So watch those attribute values because sometimes the compiler won't.

Heap, Stack, Reference Types and Value Types in .NET

When something works well on its own with a high level of reliability, we tend to take it for granted and forget about the mechanics of how it works. We turn the key of our car and expect the engine to fire up. No thought is given to the inner workings of the internal combustion engine.

We write .NET code and expect the CLR and its garbage collector to manage memory for us without having to think much about value types, reference types, the stack and the heap. We just write code that works and thank our lucky stars that we've seen the last of malloc. Sure we have to dispose of some objects that reference system or outside resources manually but that's simple work.

But sometimes it's fun to look under the hood. And who knows, it might show up on a test.

So what is the heap and the stack and what is the difference between a reference type and a value type and what do they have to do with the stack and the heap and garbage collection?

You're right. I'm about to tell you. Now I'm not a compiler or CLR guru and this is not a graduate level CS class. This is a blog post, so we'll try to keep it real. There are far greater explainations that go into much more detail out there on the web and in texts. I hope this post will serve as a summary reminder of these concepts and help us understand the engine under the hood a bit better. And remember, this post is based on what I know, so if I'm wrong about something here, please feel free to correct me.

What is the Stack?
The Stack is essentially a LIFO (last in, first out) execution stream for a given thread (each thread gets its own Stack) with the most recently called method on the top containing parameters, stack allocated value types (more on that later), and references or pointers to data items in the Heap. The CLR using the JIT compiler manages what goes on the Stack. When a method returns or fires an unhandled exception, that top item on the Stack is removed and control is returned to the next item on the Stack. Sometimes you will see the Stack referred to as the "call stack."

What is the Heap?
The Heap's purpose is to hold information. The Heap is like a filing cabinet where data is stored. While the Stack is only accessed by the CLR in a LIFO fashion, the Heap can be accessed without constraint. The Heap contains the data you generally think of as variables or objects that are reference types. When we're done with things in the Heap, they have to be cleaned up to make room for other things. That's the job of the garbage collector.

What is a Value Type?
A value type is an object that is derived implicitly from the System.ValueType which overrides the System.Object virtual methods more appropriate to value types. Value types fall into to main categories:

Structs fall into these categories:
  • numeric types
    - integral types (byte, char, short, int, long, sbyte, ushort, uint, ulong)
    - floating-point types (double, float)
    - decimal
  • boolean
  • user defined structs
 Enumerations are a set of named constants with an underlying type which can be any integral type except System.Char.

Value types are allocated on the Stack or allocated inline in a structure. This means that value types are almost always stored in the execution or call stack memory. When they're used like an object, they're wrapped up to look like a reference type and placed on the Heap. This is called boxing. Bringing the object back into use on the Stack as a value type is called unboxing.

The most important thing to remember about value types is that the assignment of one value type to another results in the data being copied. For example:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace StackHeap
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyData me = new MyData();
            me.Age = 42;
            me.Name = "Sam";
            me.Relationship = "married";

            MyData her = me;
            her.Age = 44;
            her.Name = "Mary";

            Console.WriteLine("I am {0} years old. My name is {1}.", me.Age, me.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("She is {0} years old. Her name is {1}.", her.Age, her.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("I am {0} to her. She is {1} to me.", me.Relationship, her.Relationship);


    public struct MyData
        public int Age;
        public string Name;
        public string Relationship;

 I am 42 years old. My name is Sam.
 She is 44 years old. Her name is Mary.
 I am married to her. She is married to me.

The assignment of the Age value applies only to the copy of the original. It is a value type.

Now consider the output if we make MyData a reference type by changing it to a class.

    public class MyData
        public int Age;
        public string Name;
        public string Relationship;

 I am 44 years old. My name is Mary.
 She is 44 years old. Her name is Mary.
 I am married to her. She is married to me.

The assignment of the Age and Name values apply to both objects now because the variable refers to or points to the object created with the "new MyData()" call.

The same behavior can be observed in using value types and reference types as parameters. Consider this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace StackHeap
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyData me = new MyData();
            me.Age = 42;
            me.Name = "Sam";
            me.Relationship = "married";

            MyData her = me;
            her.Age = 44;
            her.Name = "Mary";

            ModifySomeData(me, ref her);

            Console.WriteLine("I am {0} years old. My name is {1}.", me.Age, me.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("She is {0} years old. Her name is {1}.", her.Age, her.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("I am {0} to her. She is {1} to me.", me.Relationship, her.Relationship);


        private static void ModifySomeData(MyData me, ref MyData her)
            me.Age = 50;
            her.Age = 50;
            Console.WriteLine("\nMy age changed to {0} as value type parameter.", me.Age);
            Console.WriteLine("Her age changed to {0} as value type parameter passed by ref.\n", me.Age);

    public struct MyData
        public int Age;
        public string Name;
        public string Relationship;

 My age changed to 50 as value type parameter.
 Her age changed to 50 as value type parameter passed by ref.
 I am 42 years old. My name is Sam.
 She is 50 years old. Her name is Mary.
 I am married to her. She is married to me.

Notice that her.Age changed permanently and me.Age changed only in the "copy" in the ModifySomeData method because it was not passed as a "by ref" parameter. Now what happens to the output if we change the MyData to a class rather than a struct? Here's the output if we make MyData a reference type by making it a class:

    public class MyData
        public int Age;
        public string Name;
        public string Relationship;

 My age changed to 50 as value type parameter.
 Her age changed to 50 as value type parameter passed by ref.
 I am 50 years old. My name is Mary.
 She is 50 years old. Her name is Mary.
 I am married to her. She is married to me.

So what happened when we passed a value type "by ref" in the example above? It was boxed into a reference type. And when we changed MyData into a class, the parameters are passed "by ref" regardless of whether the "ref" keyword is used. This is an important distinction to learn when dealing with parameter values.

What is a Reference Type?
Reference types can be a class, interface or delegate. All classes are ultimately derived from System.Object. Interfaces and delegates are special reference types. Exactly what they are and how they are used is a subject for another day. There are two built in reference types: object and string. These types are "native" to the CLR and do not require a "class definition" in code. All other reference types are defined in existing framework assemblies, third party assemblies or in your own code.

When you create an instance of a reference type or pass that instance as a parameter, a pointer is placed in the call Stack that references the object in the Heap. While value types live in the call Stack and are cleaned up with the removal of their associated execution call, the data on the Heap must be cleaned up by the garbage collector (GC).

What is the GC?
The garbage collector in the .NET CLR is the intelligent mechanism that deals with data on the Heap for which there is no reference or rather no existing pointer in the call Stack. It scans the Stack from time to time to determine if an object in the Heap is referenced. If the object is no longer referenced, it removes the object from the Heap returning that memory space to the runtime and eventually to the system.

The GC uses a "generations" approach to improve the speed with which garbage collection is done. The reason this is required is that while garbage collection is done (the traversing of the call Stack and iteration through the Heap), nothing else can be done. In other words, all processing threads are halted while garbage collection is performed.

The GC marks each object in the Heap with a generation value: 0, 1 or 2. The reason for this is that objects that make it through two garbage collection passes are likely to be objects that will live a long time, such as a Windows.Form object. On the other hand, short lived objects such as a local string literal will generally not survive one garbage collection pass. By marking objects with a generation value, the GC can prioritize its work. For example, if sufficient memory is recovered by examining objects with the generation value of zero, then further garbage collection is not required and processing may continue. This way you get a good balance between memory use and performance.

That's about all I have to say on this subject for now. I'm sure that virtual forests have been consumed in addressing these topics, but writing this up has been a good exercise for me. If you find mistakes, please let me know but go easy on me. :)

SqlParameter Factory

Often in my line of work, I need to create parameterized queries in code. All those overloaded constructors. Yuck. So, like a lazy guy would, I built a factory. I use it everywhere. In my personal projects and even at work when no one is looking. Here it is:

static SqlParameter CreateParameter(string name, SqlDbType type,
    ParameterDirection direction, int? size, byte? precision, object value)
    SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(name, type);
    param.Direction = direction;
    if (size.HasValue) param.Size = size.Value;
    if (precision.HasValue) param.Precision = precision.Value;
    if (value != null) param.Value = value; else param.Value = DBNull.Value;
    return param;

And then when I'm building a command, I just do this:

    SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.ReturnValue, null, null, null));
    SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.Input, null, null, id));
    SqlDbType.VarChar, ParameterDirection.Input, 50, null, name));

Of course, it won't work for everything, but it makes quick work out of most of my parameter creation. Hooray for the factory.

Logging Logger Exceptions

Sometimes your logger throws an exception while logging an exception. At least it does if you have luck swings like mine from time to time.

Here's how I deal with it.

using System.Diagnostics;

    //some logging code that can throw an exception
    //but the exception has to be handled and logged
catch (Exception e)
        //write exception to OS event log
        if (!EventLog.SourceExists("MyAppName"))
            EventLog.CreateEventSource("MyAppName", "Application");
        EventLog.WriteEntry("MyAppName", "Log Exception: " + e.Message);
        //sorry charlie

It's not perfect, but it seems to work in most cases.

This code comes in handy especially in Windows Services where in the .NET Framework 2.0 and up (as near as I can tell), an unhandled exception will result in your service being stopped with little or no evidence as to why.